You are invited to take part in one of the most special liturgies in the life of a diocese—the Chrism Mass. At this liturgy, the bishop gathers the faithful of the diocese—priests and deacons, religious and laity— around him for the blessing and consecration of the oils that will be used in all our parishes in the coming year. Here the Oil of the Sick, used to strengthen and console and heal those who are infirm, will be blessed. Here the Oil of Catechumens, used to strengthen and free those who are preparing for baptism, will be blessed. Here the Sacred Chrism, used to ordain bishops and priests, to confirm, and to dedicate churches and altars, will be consecrated. And here, too, we will witness the Rite of Recommitment to Ministry by our priests. May our presence at the Chrism Mass be a sign of our support and gratitude for their ministry—and a reminder that baptism calls all of us to lives of service.